Halloween Candy Conundrum
First of all, let me tell you, I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!! Let me count the ways: 1. I love dressing up, any reason to dress up! Even if it is only putting on a pretty mask or [...]
Six Healthy Recipes for Fall
If your garden or perhaps your friend’s garden had a big year, you probably have a freezer full of produce or canning jars filled with preserved foods. Team Inyo supports healthy families and kids and [...]
Season of Everything Pumpkin
The season of everything pumpkin has officially arrived! Keep in mind that many of the pumpkin flavored foods and beverages that are sold at this time of year are full of trans-fat and added sugars. [...]
Understanding Immunizations
On January 1, 2016, Senate Bill 277 became effective. Parents or guardians of students in any school or child-care facility, whether public or private, will no longer be allowed to submit a personal or religious [...]
5 Tips to Start the School Year Off Healthy
After summer months of staying up late, zoning out in front of the TV or video screen, running wild outside, and eating snacks throughout the day, kids are in for a big adjustment as they [...]
Take a Healthy Break!
Discover Some Easy Ways to Help Kids Stay Happy and Healthy This Summer According to the American Heart Association, about 50 percent of U.S. adults and 65 percent of adolescents do not currently get the [...]