Grocery Shopping on a Budget
Purchasing food for your family with keeping health in the forefront of your mind is quite a challenge. However, it can be delicious and nutritious while keeping your budget from plummeting. With the high price [...]
Spring Clean Your Family’s Diet!
Healthy Recipe from your Favorite Registered Dietitian - Sherrie James, R.D.N. Spring clean your family's diet by making a healthy spinach and strawberry salad! Salads are great for the season as they are light and [...]
Food Safety for Healthy Living
Keeping food safe is an important part of staying healthy. Anyone that has suffered from food poisoning will understand the importance of food safety. Simply practicing safe food handling processes can greatly reduce the risk [...]
You Can Be a Mentor
Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story -Josh Shipp Inyo County Health and Human Services Prevention Department Mentor Program This is your opportunity to make a difference! The Inyo County [...]
Cooking with Kids
For many of us cooking can be boring, tedious and just a necessity for our family’s survival. As a parent you may feel overwhelmed and just want to get food on the table so your [...]
Team Inyo Lunch Box Planning
Ok, can I just say, thank goodness that this week is spring break!!! And if you are in the same boat as me, you are READY for a week off of fixing lunches. At the beginning [...]