“Dial-a-Ride” or demand response bus service for ESTA serves a wide variety of passengers. Because of our rural communities and limited transportation services, our dial-a-ride service can and does carry both ambulatory and special needs passengers.

Passengers with special needs require additional assistance and time and so priority may be given to these riders if service is limited. Drivers will assist passengers to and from the bus and entry door of destination, as needed. ESTA policy requires that all riders using wheelchairs must allow their wheelchairs to be secured by the driver before the bus begins travel. Riders who refuse to allow securement of their chair prior to transport will be refused service.

All ESTA vehicles are equipped with seatbelts for both ambulatory and wheelchair users and riders are encouraged to use them.

When advanced reservations are scheduled, passengers should be waiting for their bus ten minutes before and after the scheduled time. This is the “on time” window for ESTA dial-a-ride service.

View the attached flyers for the current schedule.

